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egg and avocado salad


Egg salad with avocado, a healthier version than the classic, with less saturated fat, but with all the flavor.



What do these two ingredients suggest? EGG and AVOCADO.

I suppose that when you think about the egg, it comes to your mind that it is a food rich in proteins of high biological value. And surely when you visualize the avocado you think of its healthy fat.

These two ideas are repeated over and over again, so it is interesting to stop at them, if you keep reading, a little below I explain it to you.


Only 6 ingredients: Egg, avocado, chives, yogurt, mustard and lemon.


But let's continue with our plate, the egg and avocado salad, it is a delicious recipe, use it to fill some leaves of the head, to crown some healthy canapés or to prepare a wrap You can also put it in the center of the table and tell with some crackers or crackers.

The three parts of the dish are: the boiled egg, the avocado and a light sauce that amalgamates and integrates all the ingredients. Easy, right ?.

This salad is a very common dish in the USA, the traditional version, the well-known Egg salad It does not have avocado and it is usually prepared with mayonnaise.

I propose a different version, instead of mayonnaise, I have used Greek yogurt, mixed with mustard and lemon juice, a tasty and healthier combination.

If you want to lighten it even more, you can also use plain yogurt and you will have an equally tasty but less dense sauce.


The egg and avocado salad goes perfect with fish and seafood.


I like to prepare this recipe to accompany salmon, cod or hake, in general I like it with any fish or shellfish. It goes perfectly.


egg and avocado salad


It is a good alternative to the Russian salad, as it does not carry potatoes, it is better from the nutritional point of view, it contains less carbohydrates and more proteins along with healthy fats.

It is an ideal dish for summer, you can leave it ready the night before, so when you go to consume it will be very cold and more tasty, with the rest the taste of the whole improves.

And since it does not have mahonesa it has the advantage that it is not so unstable at room temperature, in the middle of summer you can transport it more peacefully than a traditional Russian salad.


This salad is an alternative to the classic Russian salad, with more protein and less carbohydrates.


Learn a little more about the egg and its characteristics, what type of fats it contains and why it is often referred to as its "high biological value" proteins.

Nutritional value of the egg:

  • An egg of 60 grams gives us 78 kcal.
  • Its proteins are high biological value * 1, in fact, the protein with the highest biological value tested is that of the egg.
  • The egg contains all the essential amino acids, which our body is not able to synthesize and we must necessarily contribute through the diet.
  • Being a food of animal origin, it is low in saturated fats. In addition, the relationship between saturated and unsaturated is convenient.
  • It contains 4 grams of fatty acids, an 65% are unsaturated fatty acids (AGI) and an 35% are saturated fatty acids (AGS).
  • The egg is rich in cholesterol, this is the main reason why it is usually recommended to limit its consumption. But currently, the influence of cholesterol on the elevation of blood cholesterol levels is a matter of widespread controversy * 2.
  • It is an important source of hill, substance involved in the construction of membranes and contributes to maintain the function of memory, something very important in advanced ages.
  • Contains antioxidant substances, pigments of the family of carotenoids.


*1Biological value (BV): it is the measure of the absorption and synthesis in the body of protein from food intake. 

*2Recommendations on egg consumption: Within a balanced diet, there is no established limitation for the general population.

And what about the avocado ?, Do you think it is a food that is fashionable without more? That when the avocado fever is over, no one will talk about it ?.

I do not know what will happen, but what I do know is that its consumption is very beneficial and nutritionally speaking is very convenient, then I leave some data.

Benefits of avocado for health:

  • Approximately 20% of its composition are lipids.
  • It provides 160 kcal for each 100 grams.
  • It has more AGI than AGS. In particular, each 100 g, it has 1,8 g of Polyunsaturated FA and 10 g of monounsaturated FA, compared to 2,1 g of AGS.
  • Its potassium content stands out.
  • And it does not have cholesterol.


egg and avocado salad


A little further down you have the detailed recipe, take note and try it because you're going to love it.

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egg and avocado salad


Egg salad with avocado, a healthier version than the classic, with less saturated fat, but with all the flavor.
5 from 3 votes
Preparation time 20 minutes
Cooking time 12 minutes
Plateau Salad, Starter
Cooking Americana
Servings 2 rations
Calories 273 kcal


  • 2 boiled eggs
  • 1 avocado
  • 30 grams chopped chives
  • 125 grams Greek yogurt
  • 1 tbsp dijon mustard
  • 1 pinch sea ​​salt
  • 1 pinch freshly ground pepper
  • 1/2 tbsp lemon juice

Elaboration step by step

  • The first thing is to boil the eggs, in 12 minutes you will have them ready. Let them cool and peel them.
  • In a small bowl prepare the sauce, add the yogurt, mustard, lemon juice, salt and pepper, stir well so that the ingredients are integrated.
    egg and avocado salad
  • Open the avocado, remove the bone and remove the two halves with the help of a soup spoon, sprinkle with a few drops of lemon and cut into square pieces.
  • Also cut the eggs and the onion, put everything in the same bowl and add the sauce too. A little more salt and pepper.
    egg salad ingredients
  • Mix all ingredients carefully.
  • Now you can place your avocado and egg salad, ideally store it in the refrigerator for a while before consuming it, so that it cools and flavors are enhanced.
  • Serve it in a nice dish and enjoy.
    Egg and avocado salad

Nutritional Information
Amount per serving
Calories 273 Derivatives of 171 fats
% of the recommended daily value *
Fat 19g29%
Saturated fats 4g25%
Cholesterol 167mg56%
Sodium 197mg9%
Potassium 658mg19%
Carbohydrates 13g4%
Fiber 7g29%
Sugar 4g4%
Proteins 14g28%
Vitamin A 385IU8%
Vitamin C: 12.6mg15%
Football 105mg11%
Iron 1.4mg8%
* Percentages of Daily Values ​​are based on a diet of 2000 calories.
keyword avocado, dip, salad, egg
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